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Poza scriitoruluiCiuperca Valentina

Life in pink shouldn’t cost more!

The pink tax refers to the trend that products sold specifically to women are more expensive than those sold for men. This phenomenon is often attributed to gender-based price discrimination; the name comes from the observation that many of the affected products are pink.

Gender-based pricing, also known as the "pink tax", is a tax which increases the prices of products traditionally intended for women who have only cosmetic differences from similar products intended for men. In other words, it is not actually a tax. It is an income-generating scenario for private companies that have found a way to make their product look more appropriate for women and have seen that, as an opportunity to make money.

According to a Consumer reports study, women's products cost on average 7% more and up to 50% more than similar products sold to men.

This price gap is particularly widespread among personal care products, such as razors - Ron 34 for a pack of women, Ron 22,5 for a pack of men - and the shaving cream, which is Ron 19 for women and Ron 10,5 for men.

The pink tax is part of a greater problem of gender discrimination, which affects women's salaries. In 2020, women earned 84% of what men won, according to the Pew Research Center. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 42 days of work for a woman to win the winning of a man in 2020. Just like the difference in the prices of razors, days and cents are added. So what can be done to eradicate the pink tax? Social media has stimulated action on this agenda, with hashtags such as #genderpricing, #pinktax, and #AxThePinktax who are paying attention to this problem.

The pink tax is part of a greater problem of gender discrimination, which affects women's salaries. In 2020, women earned 84% of what men won, according to the Pew Research Center. Based on this estimate, it would take an extra 42 days of work for a woman to win the winning of a man in 2020. Just like the difference in the prices of razors, days and cents are added. So what can be done to eradicate the pink tax? Social media has stimulated action on this agenda, with hashtags such as #genderpricing, #pinktax, and #AxThePinktax who are paying attention to this problem.

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