Members of the NGO
President of the Association
Vali is from Fântânele Commune, Constanța County, she is 21 years old, she is a student of international business and pedagogy, but she wants to bring everything she did not have, growing up in rural areas, to young people growing up today in rural areas. future volunteer coordinator. Vali prefers to nibble on Lotto Classic and navigate on TikTok
Project manager
Mihai is from Cogealac Commune, Constanța County, he is 23 years old, he is a civil engineer by profession, and he wants to help young people in rural areas to develop personally and benefit from the best possible educational opportunities. He has the role of project manager, and handles everything that means documents, requests and contracts. Mihai prefers to nibble on Krax Bacon and watch on youtube.
Volunteer Coordinator
Dragoș is from Iași, Iași County, he is 19 years old and he studies Graphic Design and Megatronics & Robotics, he got involved to change something in Romania, for young people from rural areas. He is a volunteer coordinator. Dragoș prefers to nibble on Lays with salt and look on Instagram.🦾